Cover release

An exciting new romantic suspense by Sylvie Grayson –

Cover release

Cover release

Soon to be released, check out the back blurb…..

Be careful what you go after…

Katy Dalton worked hard to finish college, holding down two jobs, and she saved money. Then she gave the money to her friend when he convinced her to invest it with a local business. But her job disappeared and she needs her money back fast, the money her friend Bruno has already loaned to Rome Trucking.

When Katy insists he return her money, Bruno stops answering his phone and bad things start to happen.

Brett Rome has a career in hockey and the last thing he wants to do is leave a promising opportunity as coach to return home and run his father’s trucking company. But Paddy is sick, can’t handle the day-to-day business, and Brett has to come home.

What he discovers is not the picture of a successful business that he remembers, but one that is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. To add to the chaos, a young woman walks in demanding her money, the money his father borrowed from her.

He hires her. Then bad things start to happen.

Can Brett put this broken picture back together, and is Katy part of the problem or the solution?

A thrilling roller coaster of a story…

Sylvie Grayson has found her niche, you’ll love this book…


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10 Responses to Cover release

  1. Love this cover, Sylvia. Gorgeous woman and mysterious, sexy man, what more could you ask for? 🙂

  2. Anna Markland says:

    Whoo hoo! Getting closer. One more step.

    • Hi Anna, yes there is still another step. Seems like a long road so I can’t wait to be finished and get the book out there. Then I can relax a little and actually do some writing. 🙂

  3. Mimi Barbour says:

    It’s a good cover, Sylvie, one easily seen in the thumbnail size. Good luck with your new release 🙂

  4. Hi Sylvia
    Love your cover, especially the boldness of the title. Your blurb sure catches the reader too. Congratulations and best wishes on your launch.

  5. Pat Amsden says:

    Hi Sylvia

    Your name and title really stand out and the blurb sounds interesting. Welcome to the world of self publishing! And yeah, there’s definitely a range of opinions there from the judges.

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