Robert Dugoni workshop – author encouragement


R DugoniI attended a writing seminar taught by Robert Dugoni. He’s a bestselling author of police detective mysteries and about 35 people arrived from all over Vancouver Island to hear what he had to say, which turned out to be quite a lot. And it was not only interesting but useful information.

I’ve written a few books now but am still learning and I learned even more on Saturday. Here’s a sampling . When  creating a character –

  • make him strong, along with other attributes he might need for his role such as leadership, cunning, loyal – all great virtues
  • give him an Achilles heel, such as depression, over-stubborn, jealous – any one which will allow him to be vulnerable
  • make him believable so the reader can identify with him, but also larger than life so he can be admired
  • make him sympathetic, where the reader can identify his fault, not pathetic where the reader can’t relate

But the most compelling part of the workshop was the ending. Dugoni reminded us to enjoy writing, and not to get so caught up in the marketing, readings, production of material that we lose the fun of it. Good words to write by.

To learn more about Robert Dugoni, check out his website at

‘Legal Obstruction’, now available at Amazon

My new novel just went live this week on Click on the cover to connect. Hope you like it.

“When Emily Drury takes a job as legal counsel for an import-export company, she doesn’t make the decision lightly. She needs to get away to someplace safe.

Joe Tanner counts himself lucky. He’s charmed a successful big city lawyer into heading up the legal department of his rapidly expanding business.

But why would a beautiful woman who could easily make partner in the high profile company where she worked, give it all up to come to a place like Bonnie? A mystery surrounds her arrival that wraps them both in ever tightening tentacles. As Joe realizes she has become essential to his happiness, his first reaction is to protect her. But he doesn’t know the whole story.

Can Emily trust him enough to divulge her secret? Will he learn what he needs to know in time to stop the avalanche that’s gaining speed as it races down the hill toward her?”