Well, I have finally finished this memoir, the cover was created from an old family photo of our homestead house. It took quite a while to write it, going back and forth between what I remembered and what I wanted to share. And now that I’ve declared it finished, I still feel compelled to go back and rewrite many parts of it. I guess it will never be perfect and I’ll just have to live with that. 🙂 It won’t be published for a few months.
Back blurb:
This is the story of my family’s adventure. We left the Canadian west coast on Vancouver Island, travelled to the North Peace River area in northern British Columbia, Canada, established our home there, and then left. It is the story of six children who lived this experience and built new lives after the journey ended. Here is how it happened.
Do you have similar memories? Drop me a note and let me know. Best, Sylvie
Congrats, Sylvie! I look forward to reading this <3
Oh, thanks Jacquie. Still not sure when it goes live. Seems to be taking a long time. 🙂