Six More Sleeps – Christmas festivities

Christmas is almost upon us. Our tree is outside, the trunk soaking in a bucket of water with sugar and Vitamin B. The lights have come up from the basement and wait in old boxes for the decorating to begin. I’m slow this year, can’t seem to get too organized. I did begin the baking.

Last year I made shortbread and chocolate oatmeal cookies. Then I found some paper plates, filled four of them (we have four neighbours on our road) half with one type and half with the other. Wrapped them in plastic, wrote a Christmas card for each house and delivered them. It was a year that looked like a celebration that was going to be isolated and I thought it would add some festivity to the season.

This year, there are eight neighbours to consider. One of them took the time to clear the ditch so the water ran into the culvert and didn’t wash out our driveway. One started parking his truck in a different spot so it was easier to access our road. One cleared our drive of snow last year, mentioning that the cookies were darn good. These are such good people, I feel blessed to add a little to their holiday celebrations. But it does mean more cookies. 🙂

What is the celebration like in your neighbourhood?

Treason at Lisson Grove, by Anne Perry

Anne Perry does a wonderful job of presenting the British world of the 1800’s. Thomas Pitt, investigator, has been promoted to a position he’s highly uncomfortable with, yet he must step up if he will be able to save his friend Victor Narraway from the false clues and planted evidence against him. Pitt’s wife Charlotte is soon involved.

Perry brings the societal niceties and mores to life. 5 Stars

Eagle in the Tree

Don’t know if you can see the bald eagle perched on the branch of a fir tree in the middle of that picture. He watches the flats below. As soon as the winter rain starts, the water begins to accumulate down there and the birds arrive- trumpeter swans, seagulls, ducks, Canada geese. The eagles hunt the seagulls. I see them chasing around above the flats. When that happens all the seagulls rise and circle around each other, maybe to threaten or confuse the eagle. Sometimes it works.

I’ve almost finished Lies He Told, Book Four. I don’t have a title yet. This is Randy Bonnar’s story and it was fun to write. Will post the cover when I get it.

Happy Hallowe’en

Well, we survived the weather bomb, the deepest low-pressure system on record for Pacific Northwest that was coming at us last weekend. We barely noticed it, although when I went for a walk, the wind in the tall firs sounded like a car coming up behind me.

All the leaves fell off the trees.
The fir needles fell so heavily it looked like it was snowing

So, now Hallowe’en is upon us. Hope the ghosts don’t scare you, but just keep an ear out for the little voices calling “trick or treat” at your front door. They are so cute, tons of witches, goblins, fire fighters, warriors, Paw Patrol characters. Have fun!

The Homestead


Firewood was a vital part of keeping our house livable. It was used for the kitchen stove, which provided all the cooking and for keeping the kitchen warm enough to work in. It was also used for the barrel heater in the main room of the house.

Nell and I shared the job of bringing in the firewood. We took turns carrying in armloads of wood for the kitchen stove. Dad had to split this wood into smaller pieces to fit in the fire cavity and moderate the temperature in the oven. To bake, Mum would use larger pieces to bring the temperature to the level she needed. Then she would feed in smaller pieces to keep the fire at a steady elevation. There had been times when a cake didn’t rise, or rose too fast and then fell due to the wrong temperature. I remember once Mum opened the kitchen door and threw a cake pan into the yard. Playing outside, my sisters and I watched carefully to see if the door was going to open again, because obviously Mum was angry and we didn’t want to provoke her response.

When the door stayed closed, we crept closer and devoured the cake, flat but tasty.

The heater in the main room was a barrel heater. Dad took a forty-five gallon drum and laid it on its side. He took two pieces of metal, each about two inches wide and several feet long. He bent the metal pieces to act as legs for the barrel, and soldered the legs in place. Then he cut a square out of the top of the barrel and added hinges to allow it to be opened and closed with a metal hook to catch the handle and keep it closed. This was the door to allow wood to be put onto the fire.

Across the barrel’s bung hole, he attached a metal piece held in place with a screw to allow the metal to be moved to cover or uncover the hole below the door. This allowed air into the burning fire and regulated the speed of burn. Lastly, he cut a hole at the back of the barrel and installed a stovepipe. It went straight up through the floor of the upstairs bedroom and on through the roof. This heater provided the main source of heat for the house.

The wood for this heater was quite different from that for the cookstove. Dad would chop down a tree, and using his bucksaw, cut it into four foot lengths. My sister and I carried these into the house as well, stowing them in the long wood box beside the heater. Dad would throw them into the heater, one at a time as they burned down. At night, he would fill it up and shut the bung hole, usually having to rise once in the night to add more wood.

It was always chilly in the house in the morning. We would rise from bed and quickly struggle into the long underwear and socks, adding a wool sweater if we had one.

Wood was not always in plentiful supply. Most men might cut the wood all summer to ensure a winter’s supply. Dad often left it until we had a strong need of it. A few times he was able to borrow a horse from a neighbour. That’s when he would cut trees in the woods with his axe and drag them to the clearing near our house. There he used his bucksaw to cut the different lengths, some for the heater, some to be chopped for the cookstove.

One winter’s night, I was washing the supper dishes in a basin in the dry sink when I heard Dad scuffling at the wood latch on the kitchen door. I walked over to open it for him. Often, with the mittens he wore, it was hard to manage the doors. When I opened the door, he staggered in, holding one hand over the side of his face.

The light was dim, I was working with the coal oil lamp on the counter, but I could still see something dark dripping from beneath his mitten and onto his parka. He took his hand away and I saw a deep gash across his cheekbone. Apparently he’d been using the chainsaw to cut firewood and it hit a knot in the tree, flashed back and caught him in the face. Luckily it didn’t take his eye out. It was so like Dad not to say anything or call out for help, but just scrabble to open the kitchen door.

I yelled for Mum. She came quickly, assessed the situation, and dragged him into the main room to seat him on the bench. She got a damp cloth and got him to hold it over the cut, then put her parka and boots on. At that point, we had a vehicle, a secondhand tractor. They hitched a wagon to the back of the tractor and set off for town. Nell and I were left to close up and stay with the younger kids.

Later we learned it took them about four hours to get to town. The old road wound like a snake down over the breaks to the bridge below that crossed the Beatton River, then back up to the other side. Luckily the hospital was on that end of town. Mum parked the tractor in the parking lot which was nearly empty, and ushered Dad into the Emergency entrance. The doctors on duty stitched him up, sprayed a plastic bandage over the wound and sent him on his way. Mum and Dad got back on the tractor and headed home, arriving before midday.