National Handwriting Day

How is your handwriting? After so many hours at the computer keyboard, I have to admit my handwriting is not as good as it once was. I’ll have to work on that.

A lot of children are not taught to write by hand any more. They only learn to print or to use keyboards. I think it’s a shame. How will they figure out our history if they can’t read handwriting?

Just Little Bits

A little bit of patience, and the hardest task is done; a little bit of cheerfulness is brighter than the sun.

A little bit of courage and the burden lighter grows; a little bit of sacrifice and the stream of friendship flows.

A little bit of happiness and off goes black despair; a little bit of kindness will soothe a troubling care.

A little bit of thoughtfulness will ease another’s pain; a little bit of giving will help him rise again.

A little bit of sympathy, a little bit of love, will banish clouds of darkness and set the sun above.

A little bit of humour, a little bit of song, these are the best of tonics when everything seems wrong.

–from Homespun, by Wilhelmina Stitch

Made squash soup

I made a big batch of squash soup today. It is just cooling now so I can put it in containers and freeze it.

Two years ago, I bought three acorn squash plants from a local market. However, when the squash appeared, they weren’t acorn squash. Last year I bought plants from a roadside stand along a country road. But when the squash appeared, they weren’t acorn squash. This year I bought three plants from a garden shop. Thankfully, they turned out to be acorn squash. I have a ton of them.

You wonder why I insist on acorn and don’t use a different squash for the soup. But the acorn squash has it’s own flavour. The recipe I use is from the Butchart Gardens website and everyone who eats it loves it.

What did you get from your garden this year?

A Late Spring

The new buds on the branches of the fir trees are bright green this year. That’s not always the case, but it has been a slow spring, still very cool. It is 6 to 8 C degrees/ 43 F in the morning, rising seldom past 10 C/ 50 F in the afternoon. All the colours seem more vibrant.

Even the azaleas are stunning in their intensity. I don’t know if it is the cool weather or what is affecting it.

What is it like where you are?