Voice of encouragement at break of day: “Pickup your pack, O Pilgrim, and away!” This doth the voice of Home each new dawn say.

Those who go daily forth are blessed by her, feeling their spirits rise, their pulses stir, for Home is both a magnet and a spur.

She sends us forth each morn with strength to fight, yet draws us to her loving arms at night. O Home! thou art the temple of delight.

Thou art the very heart of beauteous life, a fortress armed against invading strife, love’s citadel for children, husband, wife.

Thou art a garden, fragrant, peaceful and fair, wherein grow blossoms, humble ones and rare, ideals, hopes and dreams all flourish there.

And when the sun is sinking in the west thou art a voice that bids us take our rest against they loving understanding breast.

This is a page from “Homespun” by Wilhelmina Stitch, an old book I found in my mother’s bookshelf, Third Edition, printed in 1933 in Great Britain.

My Gratitude for 2023

  1. I am grateful for all the members of my family near and far. We had fourteen wonderful people at the Christmas dinner table this year. They fill my heart with joy.
  2. I give thanks for my two little grandsons who live next door. They often run down the hill when they arrive home from school to tell us a joke. They either made it up on the way home or heard it from a friend at school. So funny.
  3. I am so grateful that I live in the calm country of Canada. When other countries are in the midst of turmoil and war, we get to enjoy the peace of our land.
  4. I enjoy the reviews of my books that my readers leave on so many online sites. It warms my heart that people are enjoying my work.
  5. I give thanks for my critique group, a wonderful band of supporters and readers who give great feedback to help me sort out problems in the current book’s plot, and point out typos and the misuse of words. Their support is what keeps me writing in many ways.

As we approach the New Year (can you believe it?) I’m looking forward with excitement and gratitude to what it might bring.

I wish you all great things in 2024.

Woodland Pursuit

My latest book is live.

Kitty is an environmental blogger. She writes about the reduction of salmon spawn, the depletion of the numbers of whales, the loss of old growth forests. Then she decides to go undercover to work for a logging company and discover what she can about illegally cutting the old growth trees. Kitty knows there are secrets, and she plans to find them.

Family tradition is important to Mack. Like his father, he’s worked in the bush and now he’s become a logging surveyor. When he meets Kitty in the Island office of Rushbrook Timber, he is immediately attracted to her, even after he discovers she’s an environmentalist.

Amazingly, Mack and Kitty begin working together toward a common goal. But soon the tough guys are following them, and now they are running for their lives, unsure who is chasing them, or why.

A thrilling fast-paced novel from bestselling author Sylvie Grayson

Buy it here

I Love Roses

At my old house, I grew numerous roses in the garden. They have been one of my favourite flowers. However, where we live now, they don’t survive. This area is known as a ‘frost pocket’ by the local farmers, and the roses rot in the damp cold during the winter. So although I have planted numerous roses, none of them have survived.

However, my sister gave me six rose bushes late last winter when she was moving and leaving her garden behind. I planted them all when the weather warmed up. Since then, two have died, two have kind of stalled, just sitting there, but these two have gone crazy. I finally have roses again! Yay!

The red one is lovely, but no scent. The pink one has bloomed for months now with a beautiful perfume. I’m so pleased.

My Garden

The garden is strange this year. ( I always say that, but it seems different every year. ) This year the tomatoes are ripening much earlier. Usually I harvest most of them in the fall when they are still green and put them under my bed to ripen. This year, most of them are ripe now, very tasty and sweet.

The cucumber plants have each given me two cukes through the whole summer (and yes, they have the same bite marks from the wild rabbits as last year). Right at the end of the runner, is a new tiny blossom so I have some hope of another cucumber, but not for a while.

What is happening in your garden?