Logical Thinking

A boy whose parents had taken him on a vacation road trip said to me, “It took 4 1/2 hours to get to the ferry.” (We live on an island) Then he said, “and I am 6 1/2 years old. If it had taken 5 1/2 hours to get to the ferry, I would have been 12 when we got here. Almost a teenager.” Talk about logical thinking. πŸ™‚

Happy New Year, clean your desk

Did you know January 8 is National Clean Your Desk Day?
I think it’s a good idea. My problem is it will take more than a day to clean my desk. Layer upon layer of notes, most about the book I’m currently working on. My grandsons often comment, “Grandma, why is your desk covered in paper?” It’s a very good question, for which I don’t have a decent answer. If only I had more time……. πŸ™‚

Happy New Year

I just wanted to take the time to wish all you wonderful readers a Happy New Year and all good things in the coming months. It’s hard to imagine 2025, it seemed to come toward me like a freight train and now here it is.

What does the year hold for you? I’ve already done a bit of a list, and then tried to pare it down to a manageable size. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge optimist, but I do tend to overthink what can/will happen. πŸ™‚

I’m praying for more peace in the world, less strife and wars, fewer conflicts. Let’s work together to make it all work.

The Conclave – movie

Conclave': A Fly on the Wall Inside the Secret Process to ...

The Pope has died and a new one must be appointed. Father Lawrence has been given the task to organize the conclave and call in the cardinals to make the decision. Ralph Fienes is at his best in this story about the secret process in the Catholic Church of gaining support for the next leader of the church. He is busy corralling, herding, organizing, and sourcing out the scandals that continue to erupt about the various men who wish to be elected.

The ending is a total surprise, catching most of the audience unawares, but the winner of the vote for Pope chooses the name Innocent, so take that as your clue. It was a good movie. I enjoyed it.