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I’ve been working on a novella, AQATAIN, The Last War. I decided it was worth showing who the first Emperor was, and what kind of man. This will be the first book in the series. It’s fun to sort out a character who hasn’t appeared before.
He is the father of Emperor Aqatain the Second who appears in all the previous books, and I feel like I’m opening my eyes with this one. I know the son so well, having written his story already. Now I get to meet his family, his father Aqatain, his mother Ospina, and brother Amalric. Before I began writing this one, I didn’t even know Amalric existed! Amazing, as a novelist, what you can learn after the fact!
When we returned from our road trip, the eagle nest had collapsed and was about a third of the size it had been. The rest of it was on the ground at the base of the tree. Alfie, the eaglet, was perched on a rock on the hill the other side of our driveway.
We talked to the wildlife people who thought we should feed him. They brought things for Alfie to eat. Here is what we learned. Alfie wasn’t in favour of herring, left it lying on the ground at the base of his rock. He liked quail okay. A parent would land and twitter at him, then lean down and rip off a bit of meat and feed it to him, beak to beak. Alfie likes rabbit quite well. He began to eat his own, pinning it to the ground with a talon and ripping the skin and meat off it.
His beak began to turn yellow, and his legs and feet. Then one day, he flew away. He came back the next day, landed in a tree to twitter at my husband, who had fed him all this time. DH twittered back, then Alfie flew off. He hasn’t been back.
(I told DH his eagle language might not be great and he might have said something that offended Alfie, we aren’t sure. 🙂 )
We just returned from a road trip, got to see a bit of Canada out west. Lots of mountains
No, this is not smoke, that was last year (sigh). It’s fog, so dense you can barely see the mountain behind. It was a great trip. We saw friends, family and met new ones. Aren’t we lucky? Let’s take good care of this place.
I know I’ve talked about this eagle nest before. But we were away for a couple of weeks. When we returned a few days ago, the baby had left the nest. He ended up on the top of a rock across our driveway, now and then fluttering his wings but not flying. I don’t know how long he’s been there.
Once the deer left, one of the parents flew in and landed beside the youngster. They twittered together for a time. Then the parent tore strips of meat off the duck and handed it over, beak to beak with the baby. Still looking after the little one. It’s been fun to watch.