The eagles have been very busy. They have continued to increase the size of the nest until we could no longer tell if Mama was sitting on the eggs, if there were eggs. Here’s what it looks like now, nearly twice the size as it was in March when I last posted, cascading down the tree, hooked on 3 or 4 branches now.

My husband and I were standing on the driveway talking when an eagle flew low overhead and landed behind a high rock. Eagles don’t do that as a rule, they stick to the trees unless they’re after something. A minute later, it flew off with something in it’s claws, went to the nest briefly, then darted into the nearest tree. Here it is resting in the tree.

We climbed up to see what he was after, and found a large clump of moss torn up. He must have placed the moss in the nest as a cushion for the eggs. Does that mean the eggs are yet to be laid? We don’t know. Wish I had a mirror fixed in the tree that would show me what’s in the nest. 🙂
What do you think is going on? Drop me a comment.