Second colour of Spring

I know yellow was my first colour here, but pink is now overtaking it. It’s still spring, right? Not summer yet.

This is the Japanese tree peony in my garden. It blooms way before the regular peonies.

The heather is covered with tiny pink flowers.

My crabapple tree is in full bloom. Luckily we spotted the caterpillars and DH took them off

Azalea struggling to open its blooms.

What colours are showing where you are? Drop me a comment and let me know. Happy spring!!

Slow recovery

I came down with a cold a week ago, and it became one of the worst colds I can remember. No fever, or chills. But a total wipeout in terms of energy, and a cough that won’t quit, no matter what I use to treat it with.

Meanwhile, my job is to keep writing my new novel. 🙂

Don’t you love it? This new book is about some of the creeks up the coast of Vancouver Island. They have names like — Cat’s Ear, Sir Donald, Dead Man, Perseverance. I’m not sure who came up with these names, but they have really drawn me in. Now I have to come up with a story about them.

Fun, eh?

Welcome to 2023

Thank you so much for being part of my community in the last year;— for buying my books in all formats, for being a patron of the blog, for leaving positive reviews on the books and for recommending them to others.

I wouldn’t have this career without you, so thank you and I hope you’ll continue to join me for the year ahead.

So much for quitting the bad habits. 🙂

How did your creative goals go in 2022? Please leave a comment and let me know.

Happy New Year

I just wanted to take the time to wish you all the best for 2023. We are heading into a brand new year and all things are possible. I spent part of the last day of 2022 going through what I had accomplished throughout the year. The list was good, it buoyed me up to read it.

Then I turned a page and tried to list all that I hope to accomplish and finish in the new year of 2023. That list was no longer, but contained a few things that had been on last year’s list but never got complete. I’m okay with that. I feel I gave it my best effort, so if a few things fell off the table, I’ll just give it another try this coming year.

We went with our daughter and two grandsons, aged 5 and 8, to see the light show at the world famous Butchart Gardens for New Year’s Eve. Here are a couple of photos from our visit.

Lights that look like butterfly wings in the dark
Trees captured by the lights.

What did you do for New Year’s Eve?

First Skiff of Snow

I can’t believe it but we’ve already had our first skiff of snow. It started yesterday, snowing, then raining (melting the snow), then sunny, and back again. We have the strangest weather that blows through. Then it snowed again, then stopped. Here is what I found this morning

The amazing thing is it didn’t melt overnight, because the ground is not frozen yet.

We have some micro-climates around us. Today it was pelting rain on the uphill side of the house. But when I looked out the window of the same room, toward the downhill side, it was sunny and clear. Rained like that for about an hour, but clear out the other window.

How do you explain that? I can’t. 🙂