Flowers of the west coast

The flowers are budding like crazy in my garden. In the front are peonies, next are the foxgloves. We loved to play with these as kids, used them for swords, or put a pod on the end of each finger and pretended we worked magic with them. Behind those are phlox. It grows wild all over the place and I leave them to seed in the garden because they fill the empty spaces with their beautiful pink to purple flowers and lovely scent.

What is blooming where you are?

Second colour of Spring

I know yellow was my first colour here, but pink is now overtaking it. It’s still spring, right? Not summer yet.

This is the Japanese tree peony in my garden. It blooms way before the regular peonies.

The heather is covered with tiny pink flowers.

My crabapple tree is in full bloom. Luckily we spotted the caterpillars and DH took them off

Azalea struggling to open its blooms.

What colours are showing where you are? Drop me a comment and let me know. Happy spring!!

Colour of Spring

I’ve been trying to decide what is the colour of spring. Around here, I have to say it is ‘yellow’. All kinds of flowering plants are showing up in yellow.

This is Mahonia, or Oregon Grape from my garden.

Daffodils, of course.

Dandelions popping up everywhere.

This is forsythia. There are other colours showing up now, but yellow is predominant so far.

What do you see where you live? Drop me a comment and let me know.

Rain Man, Lies 2

Rain Man, Lies He Told Book 2, is on sale now for a limited time.

Can Rain solve his last case without getting his girlfriend arrested?

Rainier has made some mistakes, and now as a condition of probation, he works with the police. There is one more case to solve, then he’ll be free. As he heads undercover, Sophia, a childhood crush who means a great deal to Rain, arrives in town, and the clues he uncovers on his final case all seem to lead directly to Sophia.

On sale for 99 cents, free on KU

Slow recovery

I came down with a cold a week ago, and it became one of the worst colds I can remember. No fever, or chills. But a total wipeout in terms of energy, and a cough that won’t quit, no matter what I use to treat it with.

Meanwhile, my job is to keep writing my new novel. 🙂

Don’t you love it? This new book is about some of the creeks up the coast of Vancouver Island. They have names like — Cat’s Ear, Sir Donald, Dead Man, Perseverance. I’m not sure who came up with these names, but they have really drawn me in. Now I have to come up with a story about them.

Fun, eh?