Welcome to the New Year

We have had a dump of snow, huge for this part of the world. My patio table looked like it had a cake on it.

Then the snow melted and the rain began. The combination of melted snow and rain water started the small creeks running madly.

I call these the pop-up creeks, only active in the winter when heavy rains fill them up.

Now I have a cold, my sinuses ache and my teeth ache. I’ve used up boxes of Kleenex. But the good news is, it will likely improve after today and I’ll be on the mend! 🙂


Ends Monday- my ebook giveaway of Moon Shine

My ebook contest for the Christmas season –

To enter the contest—send me an email at sylviegraysonauthor@gmail.com with the subject Moon Shine, and tell me what you are happy about this season. All emails must be by December 30. I will choose 5 winners on Jan 2. ? Last chance!

Moon Shine by Sylvie Grayson

Back Blurb – Some secrets are too dangerous to keep

After losing her husband to a deadly illness, Julia Butler is determined to look after her family, but this is the 1930’s and times are tough for everyone. As the endless string of jobless men trudges past her farm, she does her best to hang on. Then two strangers suddenly appear at her home. They are hiding something that places her family in immediate danger.

Dr. Will Stofford has become disillusioned with women. In an effort to heal his broken heart, he leaves his brothers behind and sets up his medical practice in the Kootenays where no one knows him.

Meeting Julia throws his plans into chaos. Will can’t turn his back on a challenge and he won’t rest until he solves this puzzle and puts things right.

In the 1930’s, can a country doctor and a determined widow save the lives of these abandoned strangers?

This is just the sort of story I enjoy – ordinary people who struggle through the depression and hardships weathering the ups and downs that life throws at them, contending with small town living where everyone knows everybody’s business. A thoroughly enjoyable read.  Amazon reviewer

Buy link – – http://amzn.to/2hSOeZZ


On a winter retreat

My husband and I have taken a well-deserved vacation. We have sold our last company, something that took 13 months of difficult negotiation and stressful work. Now we have taken a break in an effort to recover. We are on the island of Maui.

The flowers are beautiful, the air feels like silk on your skin. The ocean is a joy to swim in, and just floating in the water is a gift.

Have I done any writing since we arrived? Nope, afraid not. But I did bring a MS to proof read, which is progress of a sort.  Keep an eye out, soon to be released, Rain Man, The Lies He Told, Book Two.












Big Words- but write what you know

Do you ever come across a word that you’ve never heard before? One that sounds imppressive but you aren’t sure of the meaning? Here’s one — ultracrepidarianism. I heard it used on a Ted Talk and just had to look it up. It means ‘the habit of giving advice outside of one’s knowledge or competence.’ Great word, eh? (that ‘eh’ tells you I’m Canadian)

The challenge would be- how to use it? Can you imagine a situation where you might slip it into a casual conversation? For one thing, just pronouncing it means it won’t slip in anywhere.  However, my challenge this week is to use it without stumbling over my tongue. 

This is one thing about writing that I always expound on (but not ad nauseum, of course). Write what you know. That’s my rule and I think a good one. I have a background in business, law, hard work. When I read a book about business and find something silly in it, it means I have to stop reading and put the book down . Don’t speculate about what it might be like to be a business owner, a physician, a cop, a worker in a laundromat. Find out, check  your facts, ask someone with knowledge to help you out. That way you can form your story with confidence. Happy reading!

Putting the Garden to bed

I’ve finished putting my garden to bed. It involved digging out all the tomato plants, the cucumbers and squash plants and throwing them in the compost bin. Next was the pruning, all the shrubs and bushes, the pear tree which refuses to give us any fruit.

Then we started to dig–the Dahlias will rot in our soil if I don’t dig them out.

I dig them up, use the hose to wash the dirt off, and stack them on the patio out of the rain to dry before packing them into tote boxes covered in shredded newspaper. This picture shows about 75 clumps of bulbs. They certainly expand in numbers and I usually cut the bigger bunches into pieces when replanting in the spring. I’m no expert. I know many people take them all apart, pick the best bulbs and dump the rest, but this works for me.

When I first planted dahlias, it was because roses don’t survive here. I refused to dig the dahlias up, way too much work. But as the crop failed due to rot through the winter, I decided it was worthwhile. The dahlias bloom from July to October, certainly worth my while to plan each year. 🙂

What do you do with your garden in the fall?

The Last War series is still on sale, Book One and Two at 99 cents each,

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