Johnny Cash – Five Feet High and Rising

We had a dump of rain and the water dug a furrow down our driveway. We’ll have to repair it soon before it grows bigger, as these things tend to do. The pop up stream grew as well, here it was a few days ago.

This is what it looks like now

My cold is finally giving up, and I will soon emerge in good shape. Can’t wait.  We head over to Vancouver this week for some meetings and to get together with long-time friends. I’m looking forward to it. Hope you are well too, and doing fine.

Welcome to the New Year

We have had a dump of snow, huge for this part of the world. My patio table looked like it had a cake on it.

Then the snow melted and the rain began. The combination of melted snow and rain water started the small creeks running madly.

I call these the pop-up creeks, only active in the winter when heavy rains fill them up.

Now I have a cold, my sinuses ache and my teeth ache. I’ve used up boxes of Kleenex. But the good news is, it will likely improve after today and I’ll be on the mend! 🙂


Welcome this New Year like never before!


I have a recommendation for you this year— Do What Matters in 2020

Here is some information on how to wind up the old year and welcome the new—with gusto!

  1. Set aside a little time to reflect on 2019. List your best accomplishments.
  2. Express your gratitude. And you can use your list to cover those events.
  3. Keep a positive attitude, and in this way leave the old year behind, and look forward to the new one. Forgive everyone who has hurt you, including yourself. It takes the sting away.
  4. Once you’ve looked at your good times and been thankful, set your goals for the New Year. The list doesn’t have to be long, but focus really helps.
  5. Once the goals are set, break it down into time management chunks, such as three month intervals, or monthly goalposts.
  6. Now is the time to schedule your activity to enable you to reach those goals. The schedule doesn’t have to be set in stone, but it sure helps keep the focus and measure your progress.
  7. In the midst of all that, don’t forget to set aside time to unplug— we all need to refresh and maintain our connections with family and friends.

Well? What do you think? Will this process work? This is the first time I’ve tried it so I’ll let you know how it goes. Have you done this before? Let’s compare results. Leave a comment or send me an email at

Cover reveal, The Last War series

Book Six is on pre-order, here is the cover. Great, right? Steven Novak does a fantastic job!

Loyal Hawker has been drawn into the Banderos family feud and he must protect Angel at any cost from her brother’s ruthless ambitions

While working as a travelling seller, Loyal Hawker, has joined an elite team of undercover agents run by the Khandarken military. On a trip south, he’s approached by Angel Banderos, only daughter among the many sons of Gerwal Banderos. Gerwal is a well-known strongman who seized much of the unclaimed territory north of Adar Silva at the end of the Last War. With Emperor Carlton invading in an attempt to reclaim his Empire, danger hovers over the Banderos land, and the brothers show they’re not as united as they first appear.

During the ensuing chaos, when the the Banderos compound is beseiged. Loyal must work in the midst of deceit and betrayal to protect what is left of Angel’s heritage. Can he survive long enough to find out who’s targeting Angel and save her from her treacherous brothers?

To pre-order, go here. Price goes up on release date, April 16.

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